I have never been much into politics. I was always a "let your cards fall where they may" type of person. But then as I got older and I was more effected by what was going on in the world, I became VERY liberal. I believed everyone should do what they wanted. It's OK. But then that effected me too. I then started to protest everything. I protested dolphin killings. I protested gay rights. I protested freedom for women to go topless in NY. I protested against everything that I stand for now.
Even though I don't "protest" anymore, I am effected more-so now than I ever have and during this year's election, I am on pins and needles. Being a mother who works full-time out of my home to contribute to our lifestyle, or lack of; a wife, a step-mother, an aunt, a grand-daughter to ailing grandparents, a daughter to parents who have been shafted. I hate what I see in this world. I know the Bible predicts many things about the times to come and I read those passages and nod in agreement, but in my heart I hate them. Not that I hate God or His Word, but I hate that the human race as a whole can't get their act together enough to keep some sort of peace on this planet, especially with the technology that we have acquired. To think we started off as 2 purely innocent people and have grown into this mass of hate, anger, self-centeredness, loathing, selfish society.
I look at certain people in my life or people that have come and gone in my life; and the people that have made the most impact on me are the ones who fall under that description. Not because I loath the negativity, but I think to myself, "who do you think you are?" There are many who have nothing and treat people like they are above others. There are others who have everything and hate their lives and pull people into their pit only to abuse people to make themselves feel better.
But then, I see people who have nothing or just a little and they are the most giving people I have seen. They give till it hurts. I know we all have heard this before, we have said it, we have recited it, but have you ever experienced it? I have come close, but don't think I have actually experienced it before. There are many people who have a whole lot of material possessions and are very generous as well. We love those people because they can do what alot of us can't do and would love to do and that is to give to relieve the hurt.
After viewing my political hopeful's website, I just thought how great it would be to have this person win. My blog will not be a campaign, so don't think I am pushing this on you, but with the way the 4 BIG candidates are running right now, the polls could go any way.
I did not vote in the primaries, although I wanted to, I was home with my sick daughter, pneumonia, and did not want to risk her health so I let it pass, but I thought how important it was to cast my vote because so many have stepped down by only statistical counts. That was not the actual vote. The real numbers will come in November, that is when it counts. I don't like our system. I am protesting right now, our voting system is lacking something and it needs to be revamped. How can we call ourselves a democracy when voting is based on which state was won? What ever happened to individual votes? I thought that was what counted.
I guess that is my reality check for this evening. I will be going to bed tonight arguing in my head why I hate politics so much.
Please do your research carefully before you vote. With the web now you can go onto the candidate's websites and match up their views and yours to make the right decision and remember, it isn't about you, there is a whole world that is effected by this final decision and as a whole, could be good or bad. The world does not revolve around you. The reason why there are so many loathing, hateful people out there is because they are thinking about how the world should revolve around them and it doesn't. There's their reality check.
God Bless!
1 comment:
America will never be the same unfortunately. "We the People" only applies to extemist groups and illegal immigrants.
No presidential candidate can pull this country out of it's "funk". It would take a true miricle.
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