Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Beginning of something new

I work on computers all day long and I know alot about computers and never thought of doing something like this. I am starting something new. I always heard about "blogging", but always thought of it as some teen-age chat thing where I would be in this cyber world of teen-age angst. I did not do well as a teenager and certainly don't want to be swept up in that again; but a good friend of mine moved to Massachusetts and to keep all of us updated on their lives under many feet of snow and ice, she started to blog. Thanks Barb.

I thought "Reality Check" would be a good name because at 37 years old, my life has been one big reality check. I have learned alot and started late at having a family and getting married. At least I think it is late. While alot of my friends who are alot younger than me are on their 3rd and 4th kid, I stopped at 1. Reality check, kids are hard to take care of. I guess that's why I didn't have mine until I was 33. I'm still trying to grow up myself. Raising a child while living in "Peter-Pan" syndrome kind of cramps your style. So, something had to give, now there is just a shadow of a life I once had.

As much as I love my husband, I'm still an individual with individual needs and desires. But when your single life tries to come back while you are out on a shopping spree and your husband is at home wondering why there's no food for dinner - Reality Check - yes, I may make half the income but yes, I do need to make sure at least half the refrigerator is full.

So, yes, "Reality Check" explains it all for our family.

As I learn more, I will post more and hopefully it will make you laugh and help you get through your "Reality Check".

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